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Our super Active Schools Committee. Meet Leah, Conor, Diarmuid, Sinead, Charlotte, Katereena and Gary.
St. Michael's Special School is an
Active School

The Active School Committee analysing data from the pupil and parent questionnaires. We made a bar chart to represent our data.

Active school board

Active School Slogan

Dome with Tarmon N.s
The students at St Michael's were delighted to meet up with their friends from Tarmon N.S. at the Connacht GAA Air Dome to celebrate Active Schools week. It was the perfect opportunity to catch up, play games and debut the amazing hoodies they designed together. A huge thank you to Elaine for printing them.

Towards Inclusion Pilot Programme
We are delighted to share the news about our commitment to participation in a new initiative funded by the Department of Education with our wonderful friends from Tarmon N.S. known as
"Towards Inclusion programme project". We really had a super first encounter where the two groups met and engaged in a variety of fun activities to launch the project. Watch this space for updates on the progress of this exciting new initiative
What a fantastic second session we had with Tarmon N.S. today for our 'Towards Inclusion pilot programme' We kicked it off with some Spring inspired games to get the students moving and having some fun. Next it was down to the serious business of creating a logo for our project! It was lovely to see the students chatting as they created their designs. We cannot wait to see the end result!

Students taking part in the 'Towards Inclusion Pilot Programme' certainly had the Friday feeling today! Our first trip of the project didn't disappoint. We met in the shadow of one of the last castles built in Ireland, Glinsk Castle where we learnt a little bit about its history before we took a stroll through the beautiful Glinsk Heritage Park.

Many thanks to our fantastic guide Marty, for sharing his knowledge of the area and pointing out the signs of Spring. Next up, we headed to Barlow's Organic Farm where we were greeted by our wonderful hosts Marie and Jimmy Barlow. The children loved exploring the farm and meeting the animals, particularly holding the chicks and feeding the lambs. Lastly, we headed into the farm kitchen where the children had a go at churning butter.
Another fantastic day for our 'Towards Inclusion Pilot Programme'. Thank you so much to the students and staff at Tarmon N.S. who hosted a fabulous morning in the grounds of their beautiful school. Students enjoyed working together to complete a scavenger hunt, as well as planting strawberries and scattering seeds for the birds and the school's two resident chickens. Lastly, the students enjoyed playing in the school's playground and having races around the running track. It was wonderful to see the friendships between students of both schools blossom and we look forward to our next session. Thanks again to all who helped make the morning so special and for the goody bags.

Movement to Music Roscommon sports partnership
Charlene from Roscommon Sports Partnership, completed Movement to Music with our pupils. We had a wonderful time and the pupils responded very well to the range of activities.

Active Home
Ezra getting active at home running!
Adam has been working hard at home on his walking. Well done Adam!
Games in Castlerea Community School
Each Friday, pupils of St. Michael's school walk to the local secondary school to use their sports hall for games activities.

Aoife O' Rourke Hub
We recently had a fundraising event in the Hub for St. Michael's School. We were lucky enough to join in celebrating Aoife O' Rourke's homecoming following a victory at the European Games in Poland. A fantastic opportunity for staff and pupils!

St. Michael's celebrate sport and achievements at the end of every school year. Here we can see pupils receiving awards from their hard work throughout the school year.
Use Of Local Amenities
Room 5 went on a walk today as part of Active schools week. We visited our local library where the children had a great time exploring the sensory pod, books and toys. We look forward to visiting our library again very soon


Local Swimming Pool
Pupils has a super time getting active in our local outdoor swimming pool. What a wonderful amenity to have so close by!

Local Outdoor gym

What club are you in?

Room 2 completed a survey on 'What club are you in?' with senior pupils. The most popular club attended is Special Olympics.

My favourite PE activity is Athletics
We enjoy PE and movement breaks

I think Active School Week would be better if we had more activities
Parents said that their child's favourite activity during Active School Week was our whole school trip to the Connacht GAA Air Dome

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